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The Wild Dragon Seeks New Markets in the USA

The Wild Dragon, which is exported to 32 different countries in the world, is sold in the Chicago area.

Vienna, Austria -
One of the areas on which the Macro Group has been concentrating recently is Wild Dragon, an energy drink. Hüseyin Ünal started out by becoming an associate of another energy drink company in Austria, the motherland of energy drinks, and afterwards created his own brand name, The Wild Dragon.  
The Wild Dragon is headed by Hüseyin Ünal’s son Yaşar Ünal. The Wild Dragon, which is exported to 32 different countries in the world, is sold in the Chicago area of the state of Illinois in the USA. Yaşar Ünal, the sales and marketing head of the Wild Dragon, is in the process of searching for marketing opportunities in New York and its vicinity and plans to have access to customers through a distributor. He comments: “We trust our brand and product. After Chicago, it is our goal to accelerate the sales in the USA, in general.”

The energy drink that can be considered the father of all energy drinks was produced by Iron Brew in Scotland in 1901. However, energy drinks became widespread in Europe through Red Bull, which was developed by Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian entrepreneur. The source of inspiration for Red Bull was Krating Daeng, a Thai beverage.

The USA energy drink market reached a sales volume of 5.4 billion dollars at the end of 2007. According to estimates by Goldman Sachs and Mintel, this sales volume will go up to 10 billion dollars by the end of 2010. Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Molson and Labatt invested in energy drinks by annexing small companies. Energy drinks are consumed mostly by young customers, 65% of whom are between ages of 13-35.
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