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Maxim Integrated Products (NASDAQ:MXIM) Stock Has Just Had Its Market Perform Rating Reiterated by Wells Fargo

Investors sentiment increased to 1.18 in Q2 2017. Its up 0.07, from 1.11 in 2017Q1. It improved, as 33 investors sold Maxim Integrated Products Inc. shares while 142 reduced holdings. 62 funds opened positions while 144 raised stakes. 249.67 million shares or 0.74% more from 247.83 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported.

Capital Fund has 0.11% invested in Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) for 292,513 shares. Axa has invested 0% in Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM). Weiss Multi holds 19,344 shares or 0.04% of its portfolio. Ngam Advsrs Limited Partnership owns 80,849 shares. American Int Group holds 27,864 shares. Credit Agricole S A, France-based fund reported 68,203 shares. Quantitative Systematic Strategies Llc has invested 0.06% of its portfolio in Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM). Hudson Valley Invest Incorporated Adv holds 5,425 shares or 0.07% of its portfolio. Marathon Asset Mngmt Limited Liability Partnership stated it has 697,467 shares or 0.54% of all its holdings. Cipher Capital Lp accumulated 23,458 shares or 0.08% of the stock. Blair William Il owns 8,849 shares. 113,368 were accumulated by Thompson Inv Management. Miles Capital Inc owns 24,652 shares. Nebraska-based Farmers & Merchants Investments has invested 0% in Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM). Ls Invest Advisors Limited Com reported 3,882 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings.

Since May 1, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 15 sales for $12.62 million activity. On Monday, May 1 NEIL CHRISTOPHER J sold $2.26 million worth of Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) or 51,000 shares. Jain Vivek had sold 47,700 shares worth $2.29M. Another trade for 12,000 shares valued at $533,825 was sold by DOLUCA TUNC. 25,000 shares were sold by KIDDOO BRUCE E, worth $1.16M on Monday, May 15. 4,000 Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) shares with value of $181,591 were sold by Preeshl Bryan. 30,646 Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) shares with value of $1.44M were sold by MEDLIN EDWIN. $188,696 worth of Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) was sold by WATKINS WILLIAM D on Wednesday, May 3.

Maxim Integrated Products (NASDAQ:MXIM) Rating Reaffirmed
New York: In a report released on Friday morning, Wells Fargo maintained their Market Perform rating on Maxim Integrated Products (NASDAQ:MXIM) shares. They now have a $50 price target on the firm. Wells Fargo’s target would indicate a potential downside of -3.79 % from the company’s current price.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.18 in Q2 2017. Its up 0.07, from 1.11 in 2017Q1. It improved, as 33 investors sold Maxim Integrated Products Inc. shares while 142 reduced holdings. 62 funds opened positions while 144 raised stakes. 249.67 million shares or 0.74% more from 247.83 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported.

Capital Fund has 0.11% invested in Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) for 292,513 shares. Axa has invested 0% in Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM). Weiss Multi holds 19,344 shares or 0.04% of its portfolio. Ngam Advsrs Limited Partnership owns 80,849 shares. American Int Group holds 27,864 shares. Credit Agricole S A, France-based fund reported 68,203 shares. Quantitative Systematic Strategies Llc has invested 0.06% of its portfolio in Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM). Hudson Valley Invest Incorporated Adv holds 5,425 shares or 0.07% of its portfolio. Marathon Asset Mngmt Limited Liability Partnership stated it has 697,467 shares or 0.54% of all its holdings. Cipher Capital Lp accumulated 23,458 shares or 0.08% of the stock. Blair William Il owns 8,849 shares. 113,368 were accumulated by Thompson Inv Management. Miles Capital Inc owns 24,652 shares. Nebraska-based Farmers & Merchants Investments has invested 0% in Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM). Ls Invest Advisors Limited Com reported 3,882 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings.

Since May 1, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 15 sales for $12.62 million activity. On Monday, May 1 NEIL CHRISTOPHER J sold $2.26 million worth of Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) or 51,000 shares. Jain Vivek had sold 47,700 shares worth $2.29M. Another trade for 12,000 shares valued at $533,825 was sold by DOLUCA TUNC. 25,000 shares were sold by KIDDOO BRUCE E, worth $1.16M on Monday, May 15. 4,000 Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) shares with value of $181,591 were sold by Preeshl Bryan. 30,646 Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) shares with value of $1.44M were sold by MEDLIN EDWIN. $188,696 worth of Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) was sold by WATKINS WILLIAM D on Wednesday, May 3.

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