A Talented Guitarist and A Fine Pianist

Ayşe Önal Zamboğlu - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - California is fortunate to have two very talented musicians; Zeynep Üçbaşaran and Mesut Özgen. Both artists are natives of Turkey and are renowned for their extraordinary talent. This special California issue gives us the chance to take a close look at these two musicians’ careers and share their successful life stories with you.
Mesut Özgen is described by one of his fellow guitarists as a great virtuoso who will dazzle audiences for years to come. I got the chance to listen to him once. His distinctive style had character and flair; he was playing with compassion, right from the heart - a quality every artist craves for. After seeing him play, you are certain that he was born to do this. It surprises many to find out he started playing the guitar in 1981 during his medical school studies in Turkey.