Changing Face of Islam in Germany: Turkish Groups No Longer A Majority
People of Turkish origin no longer make up the majority of Muslims in Germany, a major new report found. The survey of Islamic life in Germany, last carried out in 2016, showed migrants from the Middle East putting their stamp on Germany’s population – one in six of the country’s Muslims now have roots in Syria, Iraq or Lebanon. There are now between 5.3 and 5.6 million Muslims living in Germany, from a population of 83.1 million. The study played down fears of a “parallel society” raised by migrant-sceptic politicians. It found that nearly half of Muslims are German citizens, and most have close friends without any migrant background. More than 80 per cent of Muslims in Germany said they were religious, the study found, but their level of integration hardly differed from other migrant groups.
- Published in Euro Turks
- Written by Admin TOA