Jeanene Mitchell, researcher at the Columbia University Center for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy (CEMTPP).
By Ali Çınar - Upon graduating from Georgetown University, Jeanene Mitchell moved to Istanbul as a Fulbright fellow to conduct research on legal issues relating to the sea and navigation in the Straits. She said that she was fortunate to stay for two more years after that as a research assistant on marine law and policy for Professor Nilufer Oral at Istanbul Bilgi University. “I absolutely loved the three years that I lived in Turkey, and consider Istanbul to be my second home,” she said.
Ali Cinar - Connecticut This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. When American protest singer Bob Dylan, in his autobiography “Chronicles” mentioned his ancestors’ origins as Turkey, it had major repercussions in Turkey, and we experienced the happiness of finding somebody else with ties to Turkey.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Connecticut- Every day, as we all know, millions of telephone calls to companies around the world are answered by a familiar voice message: "Welcome to such-and-such company. For English, press '1,' for Spanish, press '2,' press the star key if you know the extension you are looking for, and press '0' for the operator."