G. Ak?adag

G. Ak?adag

Cok Dunyali Gencler Nasil Yetisir?

Göknur Akçadağ - Günümüzün en önemli katalizör gruplarından birisi, bilimsel alanda çalışanlardır. Bilim arabulucuları, kendi aralarında ve toplumla kurdukları bağlarla topluma yol haritası çizenlerdir. Çünkü bireysel olarak ilerlemenin içinde yer alsak bile, ilerlemenin yönü, işbirliği ve diyaloglarla oluşacaktır. Bilgi havuzları oluşması ve bilimsel akışkanlık giderek artmaktadır.

Energy Diplomacy of Turkey: Cooperation with East and West

By Assistant Prof. Goknur Akcadag* - The multi-dimensional strategies of Turkey, firmly avoiding to confront with both Western and Eastern countries, especially reveals itself in the energy policies.  Assessing all the different aspects one may suggest that Turkey takes steps among the USA, Russia and EU within a balanced policy looking after her own interests as the energy policies builds up in parallel to the political approaches in the short and long run determining the power balance thus the signed agreements are of international importance politically.

Ottoman Jews in the Context of Geographical Distribution, Population & Housing

By Assistant Prof.Göknur Akçadağ*

“…dwell in the best of the land, each beneath his wine and his fig tree, with silver and with gold, with wealth and with cattle...".
A letter – original held at National Bibliothek in Paris -  sent by Rabbi Yitzhak Sarfati who migrated to Turkey in the first part of 15th century to Jewish communities in Germany and Hungary inviting his co-religionists to leave the torments they were enduring in Christendom and to seek safety and prosperity in Turkey. His few words in his letter tell us a lot.
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