TOA Authors

TOA Authors (89)

The Awakening in Ankara

Prof. Faruk Sen
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As a result of the pressure from the non-governmental organizations in Europe, and also since the Turkish press’s European correspondents have been keeping track of the issue, the Ankara government has taken action in order to give voting rights to the Turkish citizens that live abroad.

The Door to Europe for Turkish Investors: North Rhine Westphalia

Prof. Faruk Sen
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It’s important to inform Turkish businessmen who plan to open businesses in the US market about the business possibilities in a nearer geographic area, to add an alternative perspective.

Europe and Islam after 9/11

Prof. Faruk Sen
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The world, which saw the ruins of the Twin Towers five years ago, today has become a completely place, with changed conceptions of security and strengthened prejudices.  The days following 9/11 brought the world to a distinct balancing point from which there is no return. 

The Turks of Europe and America

By Prof. Faruk Sen - Germany
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The history of Turkish immigration to Europe just reached its 45th anniversary mark. The overall number of Turkish immigrants worldwide is only surpassed by the 25 million Chinese, the 20 million Indians, and the Jews (exact numbers are not available) who have left their home countries.

The Turkish Culture in Europe and the European Turks

Prof. Dr. Faruk Sen
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The number of our people living within the boundaries of European Union has exceeded 4 million 20 thousand. Today the importance of our intellectuals has increased. While in Germany 36 thousand students are attending universities, the number of students continuing their education in European Union has reached the threshold of 50 thousand.

Hirsi Ali Moves to U.S.

Yasin Yagcı
Holland, until recently, was known as ‘the most tolerant country’ in the world; however, due to the political and social upheavals that have taken place in the last few years, the country is about to lose this title.

Europe Moving Towards A Police State

Yasin Yağcı – Holland
Fear must be one of the hardest emotions for a human being to deal with. It constricts you, and steals your courage away. What could be the psychology of a person who has no courage or self confidence?

Europe, in the Claws of Unemployment

Yasin Yagcı - Holland
The European Union, which has not had the influence desired in the international arena, especially when compared to the number of its member states and its potential, is trying to find a way out from its current economic crisis.
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