Cemil Ozyurt

Cemil Ozyurt

Elections, Strategy and Turks

Cemil Ozyurt - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
In one of our previous issues our Washington, D.C. correspondent Ali Günertem flagged a largely overlooked topic. Ali pointed out that Turks resident in the USA had to review their usual strategy in light of the upcoming November elections.

Being An Enterprenuer and A Manager

Cemil Ozyurt
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have always been curious about the tricks that managers of successful comp an ies have up their sleeves. And I am interested in the ways that the CEOs of the Fortune 500 comporations carry out their daily lives.

Country of Legends

According to legend, the Sultan of the Kubadabad Dynasty in Anatolia was told by a fortune-teller that the princess he loved would die on her 18th birthday due to a snake bite. The Sultan, intending to protect the girl from snakes, had a tower built in the middle of the Bosporus Strait in Istanbul and safeguarded her there.
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