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Being An Enterprenuer and A Manager

Cemil Ozyurt
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I have always been curious about the tricks that managers of successful comp an ies have up their sleeves. And I am interested in the ways that the CEOs of the Fortune 500 comporations carry out their daily lives.
Harold Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, the world's largest coffee chain, says that every morning he personally answers the emails he receives. And he too personally signs with his own hand all the articles put out by the company, no matter how much time it takes him to do so.

Danny Meyer, the chairman of the board of the Union Square Hospitality Group, a corporation that owns eleven of New York's most popular restaurants, says that every month he personally meets face to face and one-on-one with new personnel at the eleven rest a urants. He uses much of this time to stress the importance of hospitality. Currently the Union Square Hospitality Group employs more than one thousand people...

The owner of Mittal, the world's steel producing giant, Lakshmi Mittal says he can't understand why it is that top level executives he met on a trip to the USA spend their weekends on the golf course. He criticizes these people for spending five days working and their weekends playing golf. Mittal, who has never played golf, prefers to spend his Saturdays by walking through the factory and speaking with his managers.

When Kerry Killinger, the CEO of Washington Mutual, one of the America's leading banks, has to make a work decision that has ethnical undertones he always asks himself, “Would I have a clear conscie nce if my mother was to read about this in tomorrow's newspapers?” Having grown up in, and absorbed the discipline of, the Midwest, he sees happiness in humility and being able to control his ego.

Abbe Raven, the CEO of A&E Television, an entertainment channel that reaches more than 92 million homes in the USA, commutes daily to his Manhattan office by train. During the trip he listens to his fellow commuters—now compartment friends-- about their various reactions to television programs. She also doesn't simply observe young people, she also tries out the devices they are using. To pers onally test the iPod craze she watches A&E's programs on her own iPod.

Panera Bread is a company that operates more than 391 cafes in 38 states and that will soon be operating almost 700 franchises. Ron Shaich, Panera Bread's CEO, tries to find out why customers are so loyal to the brand by speaking each morning to a customer waiting in line at a randomly selected Panera shop.

In short...it doesn't matter whether you are managing a restaurant or a hedge fund, a television station or a steel factory. You will never be able to make that certain difference in the world of business if you are not ready to answer your own emails, talk to new staff about the principles that back your name, be willing to work on Saturdays, hold true to the culture from which you sprung, and listen to the people around you and your customer about new trends.

After all, it is those who create a difference who are sitting at the peak of the world's giant corporations. How about you?

(October 2007, 26th Issue)
Last modified onSaturday, 06 May 2017 10:07