Ali Gunertem

Ali Gunertem

Izmit and New Orleans

Ali Günertem
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The hurricane that struck the gulf coasts of New Orleans and Mississippi has left the same deep marks as the August 17, 1999 earthquake in Izmit. There is a big difference between these two disasters. The earthquake destroyed a big geographic area with a force of 7.4 Richter in the middle of the night.

Selahattin Hilav'in Anisina!

Ali Günertem
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Sevgili okuyucular, Turk of America’nın ilk günlerinden beri geçen 2.5 yıl sizlerle Washington’dan haberlerle politik gündemi paylaştım. Gündemde Turk-Amerikan ilişkileri, Apo’nun yeniden yargılanma durumu, yeni Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun yeniden Meclis’ten geçmesi, Başbakan’ın ABD ziyareti, Irak ve Kıbrıs olayları varken ben size ünlü edebiyatci-felsefeci Selahattin Hilav’dan bahsetmek istiyorum.

Table d'hote

Ali Gunertem
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US foreign policy entered a difficult period with some countries after September 11, 2001. France and Germany lead those countries, but Turkey is also among them.

How did Bush Win?

Ali Gunertem
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Contrary to expectations, the 2004 Presidential elections ended without any complications, as the Democratic candidate John Kerry called President Bush to concede the elections. The chaos of 2000 elections did not repeat.
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