First Commodity Based Capital Investment Bank to Acquires 3 Billion Worth of Oil Securities

Erdal Can Alkoclar Erdal Can Alkoclar

New York, NY - Dec 17th, 2020 - Spektral Investment Bank, a newly found commodity bank with 800 million EU in-kind pharmaceutical patents and mining fields based capital in Kosovo, has concluded an extensive acquisition deal with Dr Omer Aslan; the renowned descendant of Sheik Shamil ; a very important historical figure known as the liberation commander of the Caucasia againist Russian oppression during late 1800s. Spektral Investment bank will be completing the acquisition of oil fields and drilling licenses in Kazakhstan and Russia; to be securitized and marketed with sole authorization of the bank provided by Dr. Arslan who will acquire a permanent seat on the bank's administrative board and will have stock shares attorned due to acquisition.

Another simultenaous acquisition of Allocation and Legal Rights of about 193 Real Estate Properties owned by Mr Ali Cemal Arslan who will also has his permanent seat and shares on the Board.

Mr Erdal Can Alkoclar; the Major Share Holder and Chairman of the Bank said :

"Being the first Investment bank whose capital is entirely composed of Pharmaceutical & Bioceutical Drug Patents and Mining Licenses, those simultenaously occurring acquisitions will form the basis of productive and synergetistic examples of dynamic investments."

Bank's administrative board members are Mr Esen Darlan, a former NATO contractor, Mr Mikail Nizamettin Arcas as the legal Director, Goksel Gursoy as CFO and Mr Bulent Goktuna as chief strategic counsel to the Board.

Last modified onThursday, 17 December 2020 22:15