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Research (53)

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Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts (11)

"When you read the features, you must be shocked but all of them are true. Such as the US delegation, having bought 33 camels in total from Turkey, returned to the US, landing at in February 1856 at the Texas Port of Indianola. The roots of the Melungeons who are believed to be brought to the American continent by the Spanish sailors around 1500’s and to lie in Caucasia, the Mediterranean region and to Anatolia and more stories..." View items...

Reports (32)

"Are you curious about how can you get help from India when you live in the U.S., how much do people send to their country from the U.S., want to compete in the U.S. market but you don't know how? How German exile scientist live in Turkey during the Hitler era? And now how many German live in Turkey? Interesting reports about various subjects." View items...
Case Studies

Case Studies (8)

"Finding a job after completing MBA education, international study concerning the risk factors for cardiovascular disease... Different cases, different solutions from health to education system, business to social life... " View items...

Jewelry (1)

"Atasay, Altinbas and Arpas are the three Turkish companies who started operating on the 46th and 47th Streets of downtown Manhattan. The region, which is currently home to around 50 Turkish jewelry companies, is known as the heart of the gold market. " View items...

NYPD Muduru Kelly, Futbol Turnuvasina Katildi

Image Ali Cinar - 16 Temmuz 2012- New York - New York Polis departmani, Musluman toplumu ile daha yakin iliskide olmak ve iliskileri arttirmak ici sosyal,kulturel ve sporsal faaliyetlerde destek vermeye devam ediyor. Bronx Starsin sampiyon oldugu turnuvada, bircok Musluman grup takimda turnuvaya katilarak renkli goruntulere sahne oldu.  New York Polis Departmanı'nın, Müslüman gençlere yönelik düzenlediği 15-19 Yaş Futbol Turnuvası bir gun ardindan bitti. i. Bronx Stars'ın şampiyon olduğu turnuvada, Turkish-American Sport Club da 5. olarak Turkiyeyi temsil etti.

Sandy Kasirgasi Sonrasi

Ali Cinar - 20 Aralik 2012-New York - Türk Amerikan Dernekleri Federasyonu (TADF), diğer Türk kuruluşları ile birlikte hareket ederek, Sandy Kasırgası’nda mağdur olan vatandaşlarımıza yardım etmeye devam ediyor. TADF ofisine gelen yardım kutularının, New York’taki ve New Jersey’deki ihtiyaç sahiplerine dağıtıldığını belirten TADF Genel Sekreteri Turan Ayaz, Türkiye için El Ele kuruluşunun, malzeme konusunda sıkıntı çeken belediyelere ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarına yardım ettiğini de dile getirdi. TADF Genel Sekreteri Ayaz, Türkevi’nde bütün Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu liderlerinin ve Türk Amerikan medyasının iştirak ettiği bir koordinasyon toplantısının yapıldığını ve bunun sonucunda bir koordinasyon ekibinin oluşturulduğunu sözlerine ekledi.

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The Top 10 Most Expensive Cities In America

Image New Yorkers may complain about paying $1,500 a month for a shoebox-sized apartment, but as it turns out, they don't have it so bad. New York is nowhere near the top of the list of least-affordable cities for moderate-income households, defined as those making 50 to 100 percent of that area's median income, according to a new study by the Center for Housing Policy and the Center for Neighborhood Technology. The groups compiled the list by calculating the share of income a middle-class household spends on transportation and housing. The study shows that top three most expensive cities for the middle class are Miami, FL; Riverside, CA and Tampa, FL, where the average middle-class household is spending more than 65 percent of their income on housing and transportation.


Clean Energy Partnership between Turkey and the U.S.

Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory will play a key role in a Clean Energy Partnership recently announced between Turkey’s Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR) and the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). “We have enjoyed a longstanding partnership with Argonne National Laboratory and we look forward to working with them again as we address critical issues related to future energy use and developing clean energy technologies,” said Budak Dilli,

Inseparable Part of Milas

The sign for Jewish Cemetery. (Photo by Nevzat Tufekci)

By Nevzat Çağlar Tüfekçi -
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Although it is widely known that Jews lived in Milas, an ancient city in southwestern Turkey, part of Muğla Province and it was the ancient capital of Caria and of the Anatolian Turkish Beylik of Menteşe, the territory of Milas district contains a remarkable twenty-seven archaeological sites. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the history of Jews in the region is older. 

Jews of Salonica and the Jewish Cemetery

A tomb at Selanica Hortaci Mosque.

By Neval Konuk
Jews had no more than a walk-on role in the story of modern Greece’s appearance on the international stage.  Even as late as 1912, Jews made up the largest ethnic group in Salonica, Greece; and, Saturdays, which is the day of Shabbat, used to be a holiday on the pier.  A few Jews were wealthy businessmen; however, many others were porters, tailors, street vendors, beggars, fishers, and workers in the tobacco business.  The marks remaining from those days to our times are the gravestones with inscribed with Hebrew writing, which are scattered around.

Oldest Dwellers of Bursa: Jews

By Raif Kaplanoğlu
Although it is written in numerous sources that Jews had come to and settled in Istanbul and Bursa after being expelled from Spain during the reign of Ferdinard V, it is also indicated in several documents that Sultan Orhan, the second chief of the nascent Ottoman Empire, donated a channel of water to the Jew-house.  

Turkey Moves Up In World Steel Industry

The Turkish iron and steel industry is one of the biggest sectors when considering production, export and employment. The Turkish steel industry has shown a stable growth trend since 2001. Turkey’s crude steel production capacity reached around 34.1 million tons in 2008, up by 72% from 19.8 million tons in 2000.

The World's Second Largest Textile Investor: The Turkish Textile Sector

With the export figures it has reached and its qualified employment capacity, the Turkish textile sector is one of most important players in the world textile sector. After China, Turkey is the largest textile investor oriented towards textile machines in the world. It is estimated that investments in the textile and ready-made clothing sectors have reached a total of $150 billion.

Top Cities for Foreign Investors

Washington, DC– Despite a growing interest in Asia, U.S. real estate, by a wide margin, has risen to the top of the global property market among foreign investors, with New York City and Washington named the top two global cities for foreign investors’ real estate dollars according to the results of the 16th annual survey by the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (AFIRE).

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