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TOA Authors

TOA Authors (90)

Bavyera'da T

Prof Dr. Faruk Sen - Bavyera Almanya’da sert bir göçmen politikası uygulayan, buna karşılık ekonomisi her zaman düzgün giden bir eyalettir. Bavyera dış politikada da Almanya’nın diğer eyaletlerinden ayrılır ve kendi ağırlığını büyük bir ölçüde koyar. Bavyera’da büyük sayıda Türk yaşamaktadır ve Türklerin ağırlıklı olduğu yer Münih’tir. Münih’te Türklerin kurumsallaştırmasına baktığımız zaman eskiden Bayern Münih Türk gücü ciddi bir kurumdu, maalesef iç çekişmelerden dolayı dağıldı. Daha sonra Münih’te kurumsallaşmış bir Türk kurumunu söylemekte güçlük çekiyorum. Bazı restoranlar başarılı bir şekilde çalışmalarını sürdürürken, çok fazla da el değiştirdiklerini gözlemliyoruz.

The Only Turkish University Ranked Among the Best 500 Universities in the World

By Ali Cinar - Jia Tong University, in Shanghai in China, is accepted as the most effective evaluation authority in the area of higher education.  It provides a ranking of ‘’ the best 500 universities in the world’.” Istanbul University was the only university from Turkey that entered into the ranking of 2010. Istanbul University has made a big push into the foremost 500 universities in the world in 2010. It has risen from the rank of 410th to 404th.

Cok Dunyali Gencler Nasil Yetisir?

Göknur Akçadağ - Günümüzün en önemli katalizör gruplarından birisi, bilimsel alanda çalışanlardır. Bilim arabulucuları, kendi aralarında ve toplumla kurdukları bağlarla topluma yol haritası çizenlerdir. Çünkü bireysel olarak ilerlemenin içinde yer alsak bile, ilerlemenin yönü, işbirliği ve diyaloglarla oluşacaktır. Bilgi havuzları oluşması ve bilimsel akışkanlık giderek artmaktadır.

The Future of Turkish Universities

By Cemil Ozyurt - The first permanent English settlement in North America was established by the Virginia Company at Jamestown in what is now the state of Virginia in 1607 and only 29 years after the arrival of first colony in America, Harvard College was founded. After Harvard, the College of William & Mary was founded by the Virginia government in 1693.

What An Eight Years!

By Cemil Ozyurt - cemil{at}turkofamerica.com
When we decided to publish the first Turkish American business magazine eight years ago, nobody believed that we would survive ever for three or four issues. Despite the doubters, the issues have followed each other and almost eight years have passed. When I think about what we have done in eight years, I am really proud of our team and their work. 

Potential Interest to Turkish Investors: Distributed Generation Technologies

Jeanene Mitchell, researcher at the Columbia University Center for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy (CEMTPP).
By Ali Çınar -
Upon graduating from Georgetown University, Jeanene Mitchell moved to Istanbul as a Fulbright fellow to conduct research on legal issues relating to the sea and navigation in the Straits. She said that she was fortunate to stay for two more years after that as a research assistant on marine law and policy for Professor Nilufer Oral at Istanbul Bilgi University. “I absolutely loved the three years that I lived in Turkey, and consider Istanbul to be my second home,” she said.  

Turkey's Biggest Trump Card in the 21st Century

By Cemil Ozyurt - Countries that have taken steps toward development or that are developing have certain characteristics that differentiate them from other countries.  Japan is a country of islands with limited natural resources, and Korea a peninsula with the same lack of resources, and they have developed their strengths in technology. Italy has its fashion and design, Germany its heavy industry and engineering, Saudi Arabia its oil, Turkmenistan its natural gas, and the USA its production and consumption power.  These countries stand out.

EU's Greatest Problem: Greece

By Prof. Dr. Faruk Sen- Having received EU membership in the year 1982 with the help of then President of France Valery Giscard d’Esteing, Greece lived through a serious golden age between the years 1981 and 2005.  Along with the regional and social development funds, the EU also gave agricultural funds in the amount of 104 billion euro to Greece during these years.  While Turkey was borrowing from the IMF and other international institutions, Greece stood firmly on its feet with these grants.  With the help of the EU, living standards in Greece were in much better condition in comparison to those in Germany, France, and England.

Energy Diplomacy of Turkey: Cooperation with East and West

By Assistant Prof. Goknur Akcadag* - The multi-dimensional strategies of Turkey, firmly avoiding to confront with both Western and Eastern countries, especially reveals itself in the energy policies.  Assessing all the different aspects one may suggest that Turkey takes steps among the USA, Russia and EU within a balanced policy looking after her own interests as the energy policies builds up in parallel to the political approaches in the short and long run determining the power balance thus the signed agreements are of international importance politically.
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